Welcome to The Diamond Net School!
Here you'll find the (one-on-one) 13-Week Shadow Integration Program, which comes with all the following benefits...
In the program, you'll receive...
- 13 hours of 1-on-1 coaching with Emerald over Skype or Zoom
- 13 Exclusive Videos
- Weekly Assignments (Including Dream Journaling, Synchronicity Journaling, and Active Imagination)
- Reference Guides to assist you with creating your own Shadow Work Practice
The types of 1-on-1 sessions are as follows...
- Life-Coaching
- Non-Psychic Tarot Reading for Shadow Work
- Dreamwork
- Direct Shadow Integration
The benefits of the program are as follows...
- Understanding and integrating Shadow Aspects
- Seeing past your own blindspots and self-deceptions
- Pin-pointing and unwiring self-sabotaging behaviors
- Gaining clarity and direction in life
- Finding the source of resistances (which may manifest as distraction, conflicted feelings, procrastination, etc.) and letting go of them
- Becoming aware of Shadow Motivations and responding to them more consciously
- Less fighting with yourself and more ease of living
- Being more aligned to your authenticity
- Finding the most satisfying path forward, where all aspects of you are getting their needs met
- Knowing yourself at deeper levels
- Being more aligned to your personal strengths, talents, and wisdom
- Getting more clarity about your trajectory in life
- Letting go of anything that anchors you from tapping into your full potential
- Coming more into alignment with the highest and best version of yourself
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected]
I look forward to working with you!